reeder macos
reeder macos

2023年3月8日—Reeder5providesagreatuserinterfaceforreadingandbrowsingarticles.Whenyouopentheapp,youarepresentedwithyourfeeds,whichare ...,KeepcontrolofyournewsreadingwithReeder,RSSreaderandreadlaterclientinoneapp,nowwithsupportforiCloudsyncing.,Re...

Reeder 5


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6 Reasons to Use Reeder 5 on Your Mac

2023年3月8日 — Reeder 5 provides a great user interface for reading and browsing articles. When you open the app, you are presented with your feeds, which are ...

Mac App Store 上的《Reeder 5.》

Keep control of your news reading with Reeder, RSS reader and read later client in one app, now with support for iCloud syncing.

Reeder 4 for iOS

Reeder does not collect any data. All sensitive data (passwords and other account data) is stored securely in the Keychain on your device or iCloud (if you have ...

Reeder 5

Mac; iPhone; iPad. Keep control of your news reading with Reeder, RSS ... A sharing extension allows you to add links from outside of Reeder, on iOS and macOS.

Reeder 5. on the Mac App Store

Keep control of your news reading with Reeder, RSS reader and read later client in one app, now with support for iCloud syncing.

Reeder 5.4 将RSS阅读体验发挥到极致

2023年10月13日 — 一款不能错过的RSS阅读器。

The 3 best RSS readers for Mac

Reeder for the best design. lire for the ultimate offline RSS reader. NetNewsWire for a free RSS reader for Mac. What makes a great RSS feed reader for Mac?

在Mac OS 上安裝Adobe Acrobat Reader

2023年5月24日 — Safari:下載和安裝Acrobat Reader · 前往「Adobe Acrobat Reader 下載」頁面,然後選取「下載Acrobat Reader」。 · 連按兩下. · 連按兩下「安裝Adobe ...

新增免费「RSS 订阅服务」,Reeder 推出5.0 大版本

2020年10月17日 — 在macOS 上,它依然是最能打的RSS 工具之一,即使在iOS / iPadOS,Reeder 也将颜值与功能做到很好的平衡。


2023年3月8日—Reeder5providesagreatuserinterfaceforreadingandbrowsingarticles.Whenyouopentheapp,youarepresentedwithyourfeeds,whichare ...,KeepcontrolofyournewsreadingwithReeder,RSSreaderandreadlaterclientinoneapp,nowwithsupportforiCloudsyncing.,Reederdoesnotcollectanydata.Allsensitivedata(passwordsandotheraccountdata)isstoredsecurelyintheKeychainonyourdeviceoriCloud(ifyouhave ...,Mac;iPhone;iPa...

Royal 1.70 簡單實在又迷你RSS閱讀器

Royal 1.70 簡單實在又迷你RSS閱讀器
